miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

Post 7: An Expert on your Field

I don't know much of her life, but this person helped me to find a interest for my career. Her name is Anilei Hoare. She is biochemist specialised in microbiology. I knew her since the summer shcool to universidad de chile.There I taught me microbiology and as work in this. Later She invited me to her laborator. At that time, she showed me her assistants and how they works the use materials, etc. Later, she invited me to work on her investigation as her assistant, that was something super important for me, the fact that I was working at an early age on an investigation. She taught me deeper things regarding microbiology to understand her research. This is why she is someone very important to me. Until today I am working with her, but since we
are in quarantine, the investigation had to stop.

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