martes, 16 de junio de 2020

Post 5: A photograph I like

This photography I have a value very important for me. From the moment than I begun to dance with Enyel our national dance. We decided a big challenger, It is a national champion to/of  cueca huasa.  So that we decided in create a poster to take a our champions and we are recognise for people. So We had a shoot photographic with a friend. His name is Camilo. He is a good photographer. We taken many photograph, very very beautiful. In the end we decide to the photographic than you are seeing.
This photography had much suffering, sadness for all the sacrifice than it have.
Besides, Enyel more than my dancing partner, she is a sister for me, I have much caringly
Never I will forget to date when we taken to photographic, beacuse  it been a day  very special, this day been march 3

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