miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Post 1: My Autobiography

Hello friends, today I am going to talk about my life. My name is Dylan Figueroa, I am 20 years old, I little old.I live in Rengo and Santiago, but now I am in Rengo.  I  study at Univesidad de Chile. Currently I am stuying Biochemestry, It's very hard to the moment, but I belive that in the future it will be harder. On the other hand I have two sisters, Melany and Stephanie, two monsters. Melany is 14 years old and Stephine is 12 yeas old. They are studying at Liceo Bicentenario Oriente in Rengo, same school that I finished my high school and elementary. We love singing and We do sports in our free time.My parents are very hard-worker. At the moment They are at home due to the pandemic. It's fantastic,  because We spend more time together.

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